Work History

April 2011 -  September 2014
Senior Grounds Crew Member
Mississaugua Golf & Country Club

As a senior member of the team I was an integral part of daily maintenance operations and cultural practises. 

  • Experience with pedestrian and tractor mounted aerators both solid tine and core aeration on greens, tees, and fairways.
  • High efficiency and precision with both Jacobsen and Toro walk mowers, fairway units, rough mowers, and triplex units.
  • Experience in setting new pin locations with knowledge and understanding of the importance of managing golfer traffic.
  • Managed cart traffic everyday to reduce compaction and improve turf health.
  • Experience with topdressing and related equipment. I have top dressed greens, tees, approaches, and fairways.
  • Experience with tractors and heavy equipment. Ex. using bobcat for loading, verti-drained fairways, and overseeding.
  • Integral part of the weekly "bunker blitz". Senior crew member responsible for insuring work quality while keeping ahead of play.
  • Trusted as a senior crew member to spot check greens using a moisture meter on hot afternoons to ensure adequate levels.

January 2010 - August 2010

Intern Landscape Architect
City of Mississauga - Park Planning and Development Division

  • Conducted site inventory and analysis for future city land development.
  • Assisted senior Landscape Architects with designs.
  • Monitored city construction sites in progress to make sure designs were built as approved.
  • Responsible for the paper work and release of security deposits to clients.
  • Reviewed site plans for the city and recommended for approval.

2002 - 2009 (Golf Season May - October)

Senior Backshop Employee
Mississaugua Golf & Country Club
  • significant interaction with club members; developed excellent
    communication and people skills.
  • Organized golf club storage and helped to set up shotgun tournaments.
  • Setup and managed the practise facilities
  • 5:30 am shift start times; helped to enhance my responsibility skills and stress
    the importance of punctuality.
  • 2008: Outside Services Employee of the Year